Program Support

Registration fees do not provide all the funds necessary to support our program. The balance comes from proceeds from the club tournaments and designated fund-raisers.

Please note, as with most organizations, parental involvement is highly encouraged and needed since there are always too many things to do and not enough people to do them. We thank you in advance for your help which is very much appreciated.

Bonhomme is a volunteer run entity!

We rely heavily on parent involvement in order to best reach all of the wrestlers. We encourage dads and moms to help at both practices and tournaments coaching. You will find that it is nearly impossible for a few coaches to sit mat side for 130 kids at the larger tournament events. We hope that parents will become involved enough to learn the ins and outs of sitting mat side. Two coaches are allowed in a corner and parents so inclined to get involved in the coaching aspect of our club are encouraged to do so.  However, the most important thing that a parent can do for a child is to keep score in a notebook and offer words of encouragement. We also have positions available on our board of directors for parents who would like to take a more active role in the club development.

The Bonhomme Wrestling Club is a non-profit organization.

The Club welcomes any additional support from the business community. Should you know of a potential sponsor willing to donate items such as money, supplies, or raffle items, please contact our club President or any member of the Bonhomme Board. We are also always looking for businesses to advertise on Bonhomme's website so please contact any Bonhomme Board member if interested.