The Coaches Role

An effective coaching staff is essential in helping kids derive the greatest benefit from their involvement in the sport. Coaches need to be effective in planning, organizing, running practice sessions, and coaching mat-side during competition. They are also called upon in a host of other related activities, but most importantly, coaches should strive to create and maintain an environment in which the champion in every child can blossom.  

It is the coach's responsibility to provide opportunities for growth, achievement and excellence that can lead to success on and off the mat. A good wrestling coach is effective in preparing their wrestlers for the challenges of competition and is able to instill positive values such as goal setting and self-discipline, while maintaining a high degree of enjoyment and fulfillment for the wrestlers.

In addition, coaches must be perceptive, flexible and creative enough to address individual needs. In summary, the coach should be a person wrestler’s trust, look up to, learn from and rely on for support. This is a tall order given personal limitations and other commitments most coaches face. It is more practical however, for these virtues to be present collectively within a coaching staff.

All coaches must be AAU and USA sanctioned certified. This process entails a background check as well as the successful completion of AAU
and USA coaches educational programs. This policy is not designed to exclude those who wish to coach, but is designed to maximize learning
opportunities and to protect our wrestlers from unsuspecting dangers.  

The Parent's Role

Wrestling can be relatively demanding, not only for the wrestler, but also for the parent.  Wrestling clubs typically hold practice sessions two, and sometimes three times per week, in the evening, after the high school practice is over. Many open tournaments during the school wrestling season are held on Saturday and Sundays, which may conflict with other family plans, but at a minimum require a great deal of preparation, driving and patience. Some tournaments are a good distance from home and usually require an early morning start.  

There are other responsibilities as well, ranging from fund-raising activities to helping with tournaments or participating in other team activities. The parent's role, however, extends beyond such tasks. Matches and practice sessions offer new and unique learning opportunities for young athletes and parents as well. Involved parents spot these opportunities and make the most of them.  

Most importantly, all wrestlers need support and encouragement. They need to be able to stake claim to something positive about themselves that they can build on developing self-confidence. Parents can facilitate this process by identifying and reinforcing strengths while helping their child to see past their weaknesses. Your positive reinforcement as a perceptive and caring parent can be the single most significant influence in your child's athletic development and personal growth.  

A famous Lao-Tzu quote sums it up like this... "To see things in the seed, that is Genius."